Don’t be fooled by this false savior. He is a minion ( hence the reason he still funds Israel) and will follow their commands. Discernment is key and is repeated in Scripture to remind us. He and his family have given signs they are part of the kabal. I was enjoying your reading especially with your knowledge of Scripture. So I was taken back that you are still blind towards the government working as one. 😔

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Indeed, caution always, Nik. Please note that I likened him to Nebuchadnezzar, "whose own salvation was suspect." If I had to guess (and I really don't), I'd guess that Trump was not a believer because I've not heard any recantation of his previous claim in 2016 that he had never asked for forgiveness. But, like all kings "who God turns their heart like a river in his hand," God can use him. Or for that matter, God could have used Saddam Hussein. I appreciate your thoughts.

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Very insightful article brother

Thank you

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You're welcome, brother.

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