Thank you for this. I have long wondered at the number of youth who, upon aging out of youth group, either leave the church altogether, or convert to Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. It seems that the modern evangelical seeker driven model in its headlong pursuit of cultural relevance has deceived itself into becoming irrelevant.

Where I currently live the limited choice between “seeker friendly showtime for the sheep(goats?)” or the error of unbiblical dispensationalist (pro-Zionist) assemblies has left many of us with no satisfactory place to fellowship.

That said, I am most grateful that, after my son shared your content with me, I decided to become a paid subscriber. Best $8 a month I have spent in ages. Insight to Incite has been balm to my soul and consistently brings much joy to this often sad old woman. Thank you!

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I knew we were in trouble when the pastor at our popular community church asked the high school graduates to stand up and be recognized in church the Sunday following graduation. Only one girl stood. Where were all the others? Don't know, maybe they partied too hard. I know that many young people leave church behind as one of those "childish" things they used to do, yet many do return when they have children of thier own. We pray for a revival among those who have only been inoculated with enough of the Gospel to keep them from true belief.

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Well done JD. Much appreciated.

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