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Sadly this is so true. My SIL attends the church. We went to visit from Wisconsin for a family function.

As we walked into the lobby filled with the smells of coffee and pastries, as much I love them, smelled so wrong. I was encoursged to get mine.


I look over near the doorway into the sanctuary was looked like a huge fish tank? As I looked closer, it was a “dunk tank” and one of the pastors was climbing up the ladder. A moment later, he was dumped into the tank with a great burst of laughter. I CRINGED and walked into the huge black cave.

Oh Lord help me!! The usual darkness, everyone enjoying their treats, the crazy lights, and blasting music !!

The music lowered and the band came up to stage. Then “something” came onto stage and landed at a microphone. It was a pastor in a brontosaurus rec costume….singing!!

I immediately was sick to my stomach. Literally but I became sicker watching and listening to the crowd roaring in laughter. I could not believe it!!!

I would have gotten up and left..no car. I wimped out after returning from ladies room and trying to compose myself stayed with eyes and ears closed. I was there for a funeral and didn’t want to make things worse.

She leaned over and said, Were celebrating laughter”.

Aren’t we here to celebrate our God?’

Oh but so many people need other ways to come to the Lord (Thought it was the Lord who calls us)

She is emphatic they’re doing great things and baptizing hundreds at a time. Wonder how many are true believers?! NOT !!

This woman was raised in church and can recite passages and hold a strong conversation with any Christian. I was the lowly Lutheran coming to the family over 50 years ago. Didn’t know much then. Afraid to ever pray with her, I wasnt.eloquent enough. Well the Lord has given me a voice. I sing with her (even though she’s the songstress and piano player) I pray, even if they aren’t as pretty. But most importantly I know the Lord has chosen me and loves me. I’m ok with that.

My faith journey has seen many pews and been on a remarkable journey. I thank you Lord for your leading.

Thank you to you dear brother I have learned much. In many ways more than any of my pastors through the years. Most importantly it is to stand on Gods amazing word. Regardless…

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