Unrelated to Abraham (Part 1): The Ashkenazi Jews
How is the Blessing of Abraham passed down to those unrelated to Abraham and to those who worship a different god?
In the last 48 hours or so, Joel Berry (the managing editor of the Babylon Bee) equated the children of Abraham with the nation-state in Palestine by that name (for the five-thousandth time), and Chris Rosebrough (of Fighting for the Faith) flat-out insinuated someone was an actual Nazi for declaring that white Americans are of a different race than Jews in Israel.
Such fact-less signals of virtue are bereft of intellectual integrity, as though if enough Anti-Anti-Semitism can be projected like the bat-signal from one’s perch of public influence, it overcomes the deficit these claims have in reality. But even worse, such terrible, gutter-level, Jesus-Juking, sloganeering, grade school sophomorisms (the hyperlink denotes I wrote about this yesterday) have a terrible consequence; it makes people who recognize their vapidity start to wonder if actual Nazis aren’t that bad.
Stone Choir, unless you didn’t know, is worst example of Christian Nationalism widely on display. In fact, I’m not entirely sure it’s Christian Nationalism at all; it appears to far more represent White Nationalism, to the extent I’m concerned it’s been mislabeled.
But when every day is a new dogpile on the XNats by their enemies, extrapolate-twisting every word and mischaracterizing (lying) about their positions with reckless abandon on the grounds that one can treat Nazis without regard to the Ninth Commandment (it’s Antifa logic), it really does make otherwise reasonable people wonder if everything they say is a lie.
And that’s a fair speculation. It is, after all, what made so many Americans reconsider what they believed about Donald Trump, once they figured out that the “very fine people” hoax and the “bloodbath” hoax were indeed hoaxes. The Anti-XNats are making this same tactical error, but they’re too self-righteous to realize it.
Joel Berry seems like a well-meaning guy, and I would say the same about Rosebrough, if I wasn’t still digging his knife out from between my vertebrae. But those who are genuinely searching for the truth on the “Jewish Question” will discern quickly enough that their arguments aren’t rooted in truth at all.
Obviously, it’s not possible for the Jews to be given preferential treatment by Dispensational Christians (or any other kind) on the grounds that they’re the so-called chosen race, and simultaneously deny that they are not a race that’s distinct from the majority of white Americans from European descent. This takes all of twelve seconds for a person to reason out of their brain as nonsensical.
What’s the argument exactly? It’s that Jews are a chosen race, but they’re the exact same race as the rest of us? Any other follow-up thought besides “poppycock” is disingenuous. They will reckon, and rightly so, that someone just wants an excuse to call someone else a Nazi.
If we define “race” in the broadest terms possible, going back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, then obviously European-Americans are indeed the same race. But then, there goes the argument for Jewish Specialism or Jewish Supremacy …which is, of course, another reason to call someone a Nazi.
If we define “race” according to the Bible’s use of the word ethnos, then there’s clearly nothing Naziesque about acknowledging the Jewish people and the European people are different races. But then, there goes another good reason to call someone a Nazi.
Sooner of later, we’ll have to admit that those like Berry and Rosebrough just want to have their Lekach at eat it too.
If one buys the Dispensational argument that the Jews maintain a covenant of God irrespective and independent of denying God’s Son (the last time I checked, Lutherans like Rosebrough aren’t supposed to), then the argument goes, “the children of Abraham, by virtue of their relation, remain in a covenant with God that promises his blessings, divine protection, and future salvation.”
Presuming this Dispensational lore, the blessings of Abraham are given to those who share physical kinship. We can define kinship loosely, of course, and you may call it genetics, DNA, blood quantum, or you can define it in any other way. Except, that is, spiritually, because then you’d share the theology of the so-called “Replacement Theologians” who are - you guessed it - also Nazis.
So then, it’s perfectly reasonable to ask what the cut-off is to be heirs of this promise to Abraham’s physical lineage. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has the cut-off of 1/4th Native American to qualify for tribal benefits (tribes have their own, often lesser, cut-offs). Is that how it works? What do you think the blood quantum of Abraham’s DNA would be if you plucked the typical Jew out of an Israeli, American, or Argentinian synagogue? I’ll get to the science of that later in the post, and it might surprise you.
Is it the Biblical standard? If I recall, the Jews of Jesus’ day treated the Samaritans as filthy goyim unworthy of walking on the same side of the street. Inarguably, those ostracized Samaritans would have been immeasurably more related to Abraham than almost any Jew alive today. Given that the Jews of the Biblical era would stone a Samaritan to death for declaring themselves heirs of the Promise, one wonders what they would think about the employees of the Anti-Defamation League who are likely not related to Abraham at all.
Even asking these perfectly reasonable questions will solicit accusations of anti-semitism and Nazi theorizing. And that’s exactly why you’re seeing a return of Jewish hatred; people have largely noticed that questions you’re not allowed to ask invariably have answers you’re not allowed to have.
PLEASE NOTE: Before I move to this next section, analyzing the Ashkenazi Jews through both their recorded history and their DNA, it is not to project or advance the cause of Jewish hatred. Rather, it is inject the current discussion in evangelicalism with a dose of intellectual honesty, and to help people avail themselves of bad theological arguments. Jewish hatred is perpetuated by dumb ideas and lies, the very type you see today coming from evangelical influencers (like Rosebrough and Berry, bless their hearts).
Let’s get to the science and history…
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