The Theology of Loving Fluoride in the Water Supply
Have you noticed that people who seem super-invested in keeping fluoride in our water supply also hate Jesus? There's a reason for that.
Our worldview is shaped by our theology. And although it may seem far-fetched, I’d submit to you the far-fetchedness is a result of two primary thought malfunctions. The first thought malfunction is the inability to notice things, or being unable to draw comparisons and contrasts between the views of disparate groups of people and finding correlations between political and religious beliefs. The second thought malfunction is believing, quite illogically, in correlations that surpass the calculable odds of coincidence.
You might need to read that twice to make sense of it, but do your best.
Noticers, which is just another way of saying discerners, can easily ascertain that people with an anti-God worldview almost always have a pro-government worldview. This is a truism as sure as saying birds generally fly south for the winter. While not all birds head south, many do, and they do in such large numbers that nobody argues that birds don’t head south for the winter based upon the non-migratory pattern of some. And while you’ll find some God-haters appeal for smaller government, most do not, and most of those God-haters who despise big government eventually come around to being God-lovers (for example, Russell Brand).
This is beyond coincidence. There is something to it. What we think about God leads to what we think about government, and the inverse is also true.
It is no mere coincidence, or historical fluke, that the Democratic Party is the de facto party of God-despising pagans. And it’s no mere coincidence, or historical fluke, that the Republican Party is the party that tolerates God and makes at least ceremonial room for him.
Just as I noticed for you the nearly universal adornment of septum piercings in the wild, screeching laments in the female Kamala supporters a few days ago, I want to draw your attention to the sheer panic of leftists over Robert F. Kennedy’s plan to remove fluoride from our water supply.
There is a crazy contingent of people who are suddenly super interested in adding things classified as ‘not water’ into our water supply. What is this bizarre psychosis?
It’s not just their aversion to common sense, although there is that. I distinctly remember being about 8 years-old, and asking why the water coming out of my city-dwelling uncle’s tap tasted so terrible. When it was explained to me, who grew up on well water, that city folk put chemicals in the water, it just struck me as a profoundly bad decision. But over all, we can rule out leftist hatred for common sense for this panic, because it’s deeper than that.
We can also rule out some unspoken rule that leftists are intuitively concerned with our dental health. After all, the same people who promote fluoride in the water supply also oppose removing corn syrup and artificial sweeteners from our goyslop diet. No, they’re not just really into oral hygiene, so we can rule that out, too.
There probably is something to leftists just really, really not wanting Alex Jones to be proven right for the millionth time, which is why they suppressed the FDA National Toxicology Report in August that confirms fluoride significantly lowers the IQ of those who drink it - especially children - and other reports that demonstrate fluoride is an endocrine disrupter that has consequences for human sexuality.
But ultimately, it’s not just about leftists who choose whatever side Alex Jones isn’t on, stubbornly not wanting to give him another tally mark. It’s deeper than that. It’s theological.
The most simple explanation is this; the heart that is set on flesh (Romans 8:6), which is at enmity with God, sets up idols to worship in the place of Jehovah. Everyone wants to worship, and the tower of babel erected by leftists is government, to whom they ascribe divine power.
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The Christian God - indeed, the only God - is all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present, and is the giver of life and death. God is our provider, the Jehovah Jireh. Our messiah turned water into wine, multiplied loaves and fishes, and healed the sick. Our God controls the weather. Our God assigns the gender of every child he forms in the womb. Our savior made the world, and it’s for him, by him, and through him everything was made (Romans 11:36) , and everything he made is currently being upheld by his power (Hebrews 1:3).
Like the pagans of old who crafted deaf, dumb idols and ascribed to them wonder working power, today’s pagans do the same with government.
Leftists ascribe to the government the power of life and death, being able able to decree by legislative fiat who is a human being worthy of life, and who is not.
Leftists ascribe to the government the power to declare gender, or undeclare gender, by the power of executive decree.
Leftists ascribe to the government omnipotence, and want it to have ultimate power over all the earth.
Leftists ascribe to the government omniscience, believing that it has all the answers to all the questions that could ever be asked (and they’re super excited about AI for the same reason).
Leftists ascribe to the government omnipresence, wanting the government to be everywhere, from the forrest service cops on the highest mountain tops to their cameras watching every street corner.
Leftists believe government has the capacity to heal disease, which is why they have venerated Anthony Fauci as chief shaman-healer of the cult.
Leftists believe the government can control the weather, if only they could tax us more.
Leftists believe government is our provider, and for 40 million welfare moms and 20 million illegal aliens, this has become largely the case.
But back to fluoride, please understand the spiritual significance of having power over water. I beg you not to overlook the significance of this!
God’s first recorded miracle was when he formed the world out of nothing but the waters of the deep, over which the Holy Spirit hovered (Genesis 1:2). Christ’s first recorded miracle after becoming incarnate was his creating wine out of water (John 2:1-11). The salvation given to us by Christ was likened by him to living water (John 7:37-39).
If you were a demon, sketching out a rough draft for a graven image of god embodied in a new religion, giving that idol power over the water would rise to the top of a list for symbolic importance.
Satan does indeed have real power, but it is both lame and stupid. Pharaoh’s magicians, for example, could turn water to blood but could not blood to water (so it was pointless). And government has the power to create disease, just as government scientists in Wuhan created Covid-19, but government vaccines were powerless to prevent it.
Government-worshippers don’t really care about the helpfulness of their contributions, but only that their interventions appear divine and helpful. The power-trip obtained by controlling the American water supply, and especially attributing miraculous healing power to the additives they put in it, is far more religious than scientific.
Wanting to remove from the government their power over water - which, besides air, is the single greatest ingredient we need for the survival of humanity - is an offense to the governmental cult. It is, to them, akin to turning down the living water offered by Christ himself.
The fluoride debate, culminating in the left’s detestation of Bobby Kennedy Jr., is religious in nature. It is an offense to those who worship the government as god. It is guttural, instinctual, and religiously reactionary.
Their god has told them that the elixir is magic. Their god has told them their water is living water. Their god has told them that the water God Almighty made is not good enough. Their god has split the rock with its staff, and they must drink what flows from the font of their wisdom.
Removing fluoride, for government cultists, is ascribing to nature’s God the perfection that only government can supposedly provide.
Absolutely spot-on.
Quite so.