The Musk Family Quest to Find the Nephilim
This is the third and final series examining the really weird family history of the world's richest man.
In the second part of this series, we examined the curious grandfather of Elon Musk, and his leadership in the Technocracy political and religious movement. As I explained, Musk’s grandfather - Joshua Haldeman - had been arrested in Canada for hatching a scheme to put scientists and inventors in charge of humankind. That article was entitled, “Elon's Grandfather, a Bizarre Cult, and Motivations that Guide the Mayor of Mars.”
In the first article in the series, we looked at what appears to be a spooky prophecy from the former Nazi scientist who helped shaped NASA’s space exploration, Wernher Von Braun. In his fictional book, Mission to Mars, he enjoined his fantasy account of exploring the Red Planet with technical scientific detail related to rocket science. In doing so, he named the first leader of Mars as…Elon. That article was entitled, “Elon Prophesied (by name) to Rule Mars by NASA Nazi 1948.”
The point of my blatherings on Musk isn’t just for the sake of celebrity trivia. I’ve written extensively and tried to warn you about the danger of Singularity and the use of Artificial Intelligence as the rise of a new Transhumanist religion (please review the archives for these articles).
As Christians and believers in the Supernatural God, supernaturalists like us need to be “discerning the times and season” so that we “are not caught off guard as children of darkness will be.” If when Jesus returns it will be like the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37), then it’s not a far-fetched prophecy to predict that the world is about to get really, really weird. Our world is moving quickly to one of Singularity, where the known rules of the physical universe no longer apply. The new gods - who are nothing but the old gods - will be installed. Humanity will appear close to achieving the goal of being something other than what God made us to be. But we, as believers in Christ - always ready and looking for his return as we cry ‘Maranatha’ - must not be caught off guard when it comes to End Things.
And trust me…the world is about to be caught very off guard when it comes to Artificial Intelligence and Singularity. In just a few years’ time, this world will cease to be recognizable.
How Elon Musk plays into this is poised to be significant. The world’s richest man, who now has amassed a fortune of four-hundred billion dollars (worth twice as much as he was four months ago) will be the world’s first trillionaire in a matter more likely to be of months than years. With his influence in the new world regime - not just with the Trump White House but with leaders all over the world - understanding his mind and motivations will prove to be valuable insight to understanding the direction of our Brave, New World.
Finally, so far as introductions are concerned, I’m not alleging - lest you think I am - that Elon Musk is the anti-christ or an anti-christ figure. However, I am saying that I believe Powers and Principalities in High Places have great authority in this world, because the Bible says they do. As I explained in this post, despite evangelicals focusing little on the pertinent passages (because we’re adverse to appearing ‘weird’), the orthodox (right-thinking) Christian church has historically affirmed that there are celestial beings in the heavens above us who scheme and direct many of the affairs of men. They are ancient, and they are wise. And they play some very, very long games.
The Lost City of the Kalahari is a historical mystery that captures the imagination of explorers, archaeologists, and enthusiasts of ancient civilizations. The story originates from an expedition led by William Leonard Hunt, who used the pseudonym Guillermo Farini. Farini was a Canadian circus performer and explorer who ventured into the Kalahari Desert in 1885.
Farini claimed to have stumbled upon the ruins of an ancient city in the Kalahari Desert, which spans across Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. He described finding structures resembling a Chinese wall after an earthquake, with stones showing signs of cement, suggesting human construction. Upon returning to Europe, Farini wrote a book titled "Through the Kalahari Desert," detailing his adventures, including the discovery of the lost city. He also presented his findings at the Royal Geographical Society, and displayed photographs of the supposed ruins, enhancing the mystery's allure.
Many were skeptical of Farini's claims, suggesting his descriptions might have been exaggerated or that he might have seen natural rock formations instead of man-made structures. At the time, many doubted because the structures would have been monolithic (something made of very large stones, often hundreds of tons, which today have yet to be explained how they were manipulated or moved without modern equipment). Since Farini’s claims in the 1800s, however, many more monolithic structures have been discovered around the world.
Let me make an aside on this topic, of ancient monoliths. Obviously, a limited but highly famous number of monolithic structures had already been discovered by the 1800s, including Stonehenge and the greatest of all, the Great Pyramid (not to mention all the others) of Giza. But countless more have been discovered since then, some because they were so large that adventurers presumed them to be actual mountains or other natural structures. And some (like the heads of Easter Island) were 90% underground.
Göbekli Tepe was not found until 1963, and its importance was not fully recognized until excavations led by Klaus Schmidt in the 1990s. It features T-shaped limestone pillars arranged in circles, some decorated with carvings of animals. This site predates Stonehenge considerably.
Nan Madol was not brought to Western attention by explorers in the 19th century. Constructed between 1200 and 1500 AD, this city of artificial islets is made from huge basalt columns, some weighing up to 50 tons. Tiwanaku in Bolivia, the Bhimbetka Rock Shelters in India, as well as the Ellora Caves, or even the great Petra in Jordan were not discovered until the 1800s. The Sphinx was not discovered until 1825.
The sheer size and scope of these structures defies explanation. Not only is it unknown how some of these structures could be built with ancient technology, some of them - like the pyramids - defy explanation even with modern technology. Traditional explanations for their existence by the cultures who surround them include mystical and mythical tales of heavenly beings who designed and built them or, in some cases, giants.
But for the point of this article, I’m not trying to prove that these structures were indeed the result of the Nephilim - the “great men” of old, spoken of repeatedly in the Old Testament, the product of relationships between the Watchers and human women (similar to the Titans of Greek mythology). For the point of this article, I merely mean to demonstrate that this is a common theory, and one believed by Joshua Haldeman. From Erich Von Daniken to Zechariah Stitchen, many anthropologists have surmised that only supernatural or semi-supernatural, extra-terrestrial or extra-celestial beings could have produced such structures. It doesn’t hurt their case that there’s no plausible explanation for the known laws of physics or the history of human engineering that could duplicate them. But many Christian apologists with sound Biblical theology have suggested the same.
And its this idea - that ancient monolithic structures were the product of beings far wiser than mere humans - that drove Joshua Haldeman in his attempts to find the lost city of Kalahari.
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Over the years, numerous expeditions have been launched to find the lost city. From the 1930s to recent times, explorers, including the aforementioned grandfather of Elon Musk, have searched the Kalahari for evidence.
In 1964, researcher A.J. Clement revisited Farini's route and suggested that what Farini might have seen were natural geological formations, specifically dolerite rock, which can mimic man-made structures due to its columnar jointing.
More recent efforts, including one in 2013 by the Marchuasi Project using Google Maps and satellite imagery, attempted to uncover any clear evidence of the city. The 2016 Travel Channel's "Expedition Unknown" also explored the myth, and found some very curious things, but nothing definitive.
The vast expanse of this particular desert, and this harsh climate, has made discovery next to impossible. Exploration is exceedingly difficult, because the desert has been known to swallow cities hole. It’s amazing to consider the Great Sphinx, for example, lay under sand unknown and forgotten by the modern world until the 19th Century. And consider the Great Pyramid of Cholua in Mexico, larger than the Great Pyramid of Egypt, was originally considered by explorers nothing but a natural mountain. The sands of time really are thing, and they eat evidence.
Known for its arid conditions, the Kalahari makes an unlikely location for a large city, as water scarcity is a significant challenge. However, ancient human settlements exist in the region, suggesting that smaller or temporary habitations were possible. There's evidence that the Kalahari was once wetter (just as Giza, the home of the Great Pyramid was), potentially supporting more human activity in the past.
The legend of the Lost City has been discussed in various books, documentaries, and even in social media, keeping the mystery alive. Authors like Alan Paton have written about their own expeditions in search of the city, adding layers to its lore.
But again, I’m not trying to prove the city existed, or that it was built by the Nephilim (the men of renown) of the Old Testament. It suffices to say that was the rumor believed by explorers who’ve sought to find it. It's claimed that the Nephilim taught humans writing, mathematics, astronomy, and various crafts, explaining the sudden rise of these skills in ancient societies. Others, historically, have focused on not only the precision and scale of ancient constructions as evidence, but also that only beings with advanced technology or superhuman abilities of extreme strength could achieve such feats.
Haldeman is most famous for advocating that scientists and technocrats run society. Like all technocrats, he advocated for Transhumanism, believing that through technology, humans could become superhuman, or extra-human. Likely, this played into his passion to find the famous lost city commonly attributed to the Nephilim.
Haldeman led approximately 12 expeditions into the Kalahari Desert in search of the Lost City. These expeditions spanned from the early 1950s into the 1960s. In fact, the primary reason Elon, his grandson, hails from South Africa is because it was his grandfather’s pursuit of the alleged Nephilim city that brought him there as a logical base of operations in discovery of the city.
Haldeman’s expeditions were family affairs; his wife, Wyn Haldeman, and their children, including Maye Musk (Elon Musk's mother), participated. This family engagement turned these explorations into educational adventures as well.
Haldeman flew a small plane over the Kalahari, which was a significant part of his strategy. He would survey from the air to spot potential signs of the city or structures before landing to explore further on foot. These expeditions required considerable preparation, including setting up supply bases in the desert, dealing with the harsh environment, and navigating through one of the world's largest sand deserts.
Despite numerous attempts, Haldeman did not find any definitive evidence of Kalahari, at least that we know of. His expeditions contributed more to the lore and interest in the legend rather than providing concrete archaeological finds. Maye Musk has shared stories of these expeditions, highlighting how they shaped her family's life.
While not discovering the city, Haldeman's efforts kept the legend alive in public consciousness, especially in South Africa where he and his family lived for a time. His stories of adventure were shared publicly, adding to the mystique of the Kalahari's lost city.
As you know from previous articles, Musk has repeatedly referred to A.I. as our new gods, and he’s done so frequently enough that it leaves you to believe there’s something odd about the frequency he does so, if it’s merely tongue-in-cheek. He seems quite aware that the impending super-intelligence will be very godlike. In fact, the creators of Artificial Intelligence intend it to be.
But what’s odd, if you take note, is the repeated bringing up the really old things, to talk about really new things. I examined this in the article, Singularity and Babel: Comparing the Newest, and Oldest, False Religions.
But one clip, recently released, might just put a chill down your spine. The new Stargate Program, which is designed to merge all the various A.I. models into one, and Musk’s new data center for his own A.I. creation, will be housed in Memphis, Tennessee. I wrote about Stargate in the post, Stargate and Sauron: One A.I. to Rule Us All.
Get a load of this. Watch below.
For those of you listening on the audio version, the clip is of Jordan Peterson speaking to Musk, who links Memphis Tennessee with the Memphis of ancient Egypt, and says “maybe this is where our new gods will come from,” followed by nervous laughter from Peterson who acknowledges there might be truth to it.
Are you starting to notice that futurists, like Musk, seem quick to refer backwards to ancient culture, at least in reference? There’s a reason for this. There’s something in the heart of man that confesses there’s something very old in what it is that’s happening which is very new.
As I opined months ago at Insight to Incite, I think the Nephilim are returning (not that they’ve ever left, but have only gone into hiding during the modern age). As time progresses, the Watchers and extra-celestial beings the Bible says definitely exist and reign, may again display an overt presence among the affairs of men.
When you take all of this into account together - that the founder of NASA prophesied that “Elon” would rule Mars and found the Martian technocracy, that Elon’s grandfather was a founder in the Technocracy movement, that he tried desperately to unearth ancient cities attributed to advanced civilizations, and Musk has repeatedly advocated for Technocracy himself, all the while comparing A.I. with the gods of the ancient world - it’s hard to discount it all as coincidence.
Buckle up, friends. This world is about to get even weirder. But thankfully, we Christians can be mentally prepared for this. We are supernaturalists. We already believe in weird things.